martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008



More than 22 families enjoy new homes

As part of AES’ Collaborative Relocation Program

  • 6 out 10 families have reached voluntary relocation agreements.
  • Meetings and dialogue opportunities with communities continue.
  • More than 20 families live in brand new residences.
  • New housing improves considerably area resident’s quality of life.
  • Crucial project for Panama’s energy supply future.

CHANGUINOLA, BOCAS DEL TORO. The development of the Changuinola I hidroelectrical project, critical part of the future of Panama’s energy supply, continues as planned. One of the project’s key components, the Collaborative Relocation Program, continues to progress with consensual and transparent administration through dialogue and negotiation, in strict compliance with the existing laws in the Republic of Panama and a permanent respect for the human rights and integrity if the residents of the project area.

Voluntary agreements

AES has subscribed voluntary relocation agreements with 61% of the families in Charco La Pava. Also, during the past few weeks, dwellers of Charco La Pava have participated in training workshops and preparation of the land where the future homes will be located.

Today, more than 22 families in Changuinola enjoy new homes and farmlands as part of the agreements reached through the collaborative relocation program.

This program entails the relocation of approximately 159 families (an estimate of 800 people), residents of the communities of Changuinola Arriba, Charco La Pava, Valle del Rey and Guayabal, which are located within the boundaries of the Palo Seco forest (Bosque Protector Palo Seco, or BPPS).

The company holds the mandatory permits and agreements to enter the intervened lands due to construction, which have been signed through voluntary negotiations with the area residents, who in turn, have been provided with timely, fair, appropriate and thoroughly documented economic assistance.

Permanent dialogue and contact

On September 23, the community of Charco La Pava participated of an informative meeting with representative from the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), Ministry of Health (MINSA), and the Ombudsman’s Office.

AES will continue to work closely with government officials to keep them informed of the progresses of the Collaborative Relocation Program in Changuinola.

AES stresses on its commitment and disposition to continue engaging in open dialogue in order to listen to inquiries that might arise because of the development of Changuinola I, vital for Panama and declared by the Panamanian government as a project of public and social interest, which will add 223 MW of clean, reliable energy, providing a real alternative to decrease the cost of energy for Panamanian consumers.

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